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Are You as Offended as the Conductor? Eliminating Disruptions and Distractions in Davening

A few years ago, Alan Gilbert, the Conductor of the New York Philharmonic made history, but not for something you would expect. Conductors almost never interrupt a performance, other than truly exceptional circumstances. Gilbert not only stopped the performance, he did something even more. Towards the end of the Philharmonic’s performance of Mahler’s Ninth Symphony,Read More...

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How Using Airplane Mode While on the Ground Can Change Your Life

A few weeks ago, I was in the middle of davening Mincha with unusually-focused kavana, when I suddenly heard a bas kol, a heavenly voice proclaim, “Message received.”  I was reveling in the news that the combination of my heartfelt expressions of praise, personal requests, and gratitude had in fact been received by the Almighty,Read More...

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“Mr. President, my daughter has something she would like to say to you”

Last week, my daughter Rachelli and I had the privilege of going with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Pilichowski to the White House Chanukah party.   Being together with Jewish leaders from around the country including two Supreme Court Justices, Members of Congress, prominent Rabbis, and accomplished Jewish academics was an amazing and memorable experience. The entire WhiteRead More...

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Prayer, Not Politics

This past Sunday, BRS hosted Ambassador John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and consultant to the Romney campaign.   As a non-profit organization, BRS does not endorse any candidate or political party nor do we contribute to any campaign.    As I have written previously – what we strongly endorse is being informed andRead More...

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The Secret to True Happiness Is the Present

Last week, while in NY on the BRS Men’s Club trip, I was very taken by something in the subway. On this particular subway car, there were three ads in a row that all revolved around the same thing – happiness. While marketing different things, all three ads tried to leverage people’s general unhappiness andRead More...

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Don’t Obey Your Thirst, Resist It

We are living in a time and culture that promote happiness, satisfaction and indulgence.  Indeed, we are regularly inundated with messages and marketing such as “obey your thirst,” and “just do it.”  In that context it is particularly difficult and onerous to observe a fast and to resist the temptation for food and water forRead More...