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Shalom Bayis When You Can’t Leave the Bayis

by Rabbi Efrem & Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg There is an old joke that a man’s version of “shalom bayis” is to turn and wave as he leaves home and say “Shalom, goodbye bayis.”  But these days, the joke is on those who think they can have peace by leaving.  The word shalom also means hello,Read More...

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Take a Vacation With God, Not From Him

Each year, like so many of you, I eagerly look forward to my summer vacation.  Used properly, a vacation is not only an opportunity to take a break from the rigors of work, but it provides tremendous growth opportunities.  In fact, how we use our vacation and what we do in our down time notRead More...

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Anger is Contagious Like the Flu

Flu season is currently making itself known around the community, first among kids and now hitting adults.  But diseases and illnesses are not the only things that are contagious.  Without you even realizing it, how you are feeling today is likely influencing and impacting the feelings of people around you. According to Dr. Nicholas ChristakisRead More...

How Can You Inoculate Yourself and Your Family?

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Mother’s Day With Sensitivity For Those Not Yet Mothers

While some are counting down to Mother’s Day this Sunday with great excitement and anticipation, many are looking at the calendar with dread and anxiety.  For those desperately longing to have a child but have been denied by nature or because they are waiting to find a spouse, Mother’s Day and all the fanfare thatRead More...

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Invisible or Inimitable? Raising Healthy and Happy Children

Recently, President Trump formally declared the nationwide opioid drug problem a public health emergency.  Substance abuse is a growing epidemic that doesn’t discriminate based on religion, economic class, gender, or ethnicity.  As we have come to learn all too well, the frum community is not immune, either. Experts will all tell you that drug andRead More...

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Five Questions to Ask for a Happy Marriage

In a previous message, Inquiries or Inquisitions: A Rabbi’s Perspective on the Shidduch System, I shared some thoughts and modest suggestions regarding what have become normative practices in dating.  Afterwards, someone shared with me what might be the most outrageous prospective shidduch question I have heard yet.  The “other side” wanted to know if theRead More...

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The Kaddish Club & The Gift of Mourning

Two weeks ago, Adrian Peterson, a professional football player, suffered an unimaginable tragedy when his two-year-old son died as a result of child abuse.  Forty-eight hours later, he played football saying, “Football is something I will always fall back on.”  Whether you view it as playing a game or returning to work, Peterson’s reaction, whileRead More...

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His Name Is Matzah Ball?

It is rare that we go anywhere with all six of our girls together. When we do, we usually turn heads and draw all kinds of unsolicited comments, observations, and advice. Perhaps nowhere does the image of six sisters ages 3 to 14 walking down a hallway together get more attention than in the maternityRead More...

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As Difficult as Splitting the Sea

If you find yourself in a happy and fulfilling marriage, count your blessings every day and recognize that tragically, you are in the minority. Indeed, as of 2011, there is a 49% divorce rate, with those marriages having lasted for just 8 years. Many analysts assume that the percentage should be much higher, but theRead More...

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The Blessing of a Healthy Child

In the last few months in our community, a number of pregnant women have tragically lost their babies. Despite all the aches, pains and discomfort, pregnancy is a time of great hope, optimism and incredible excitement about the future life that will emerge and the unknown of who he or she can and will become.Read More...