Parsha Perspectives for Today

Korach: Don’t be on the Take, be on the Give20200623
Shelach: Dust in the Wind20200616
Behaalosecha: Are You Willing to Swim Upstream?20200609
Naso: Wisdom From the South20200602
Bamidbar: You Matter and You Make a Difference20200519
Behar/Bechukosai: Faith and Finances20200512
Emor: Kavod, Not Covid20200505
Acharei Mos: Throw the Voice of Unworthiness Off a Cliff20200428
Tazria/Metzora/Yom Ha’Shoah: Lessons for Today20200421
Tzav/Shabbos HaGadol – Keep the Fire Burning20200331
Vayikra: He is Calling You, Are You Listening?20200324
Vayakhel/Pekudei: A Yid is Never Lazy20200317
Terumah: This is the Only Thing You Can Take With You20200225
Mishpatim: Authentic, Heartfelt Prayer Opens Doors20200218
Beshalach: Song of the Soul20200204
Va’eira: Why Did Moshe Have a Speech Impediment20200121
Shemos: Not One in a Million, Unique20200114
Vayechi: Hashem Is Our Best Friend20200107
Vayigash: Staying True to Ourselves and Our Values20191231
Mikeitz/Chanuka: Listening Before Speaking20191224
Vayishlach: It is Time for the Pendulum to Swing Back20191210
Vayeitzei: How Far Apart Are the Real You and the Best Version of You?20191203
Toldos: The Critical Role of Role Players in Judaism20191126
Vayeishev: See the Closeness Between Us, Not the Distance20191117
Vayeira: Sarah Was in the Tent, Does That Make Her a Feminine Failure or a Success?20191112
Lech Lecha: Are You Drawn to Happiness or Holiness?20191105
Nitzavim: Are You Standing Still or on the Move?20190924
Ki Savo: Saying “It’s All Good” and Meaning It20190917
Ki Seitzei: Is Your Word Your Bond?20190910
Shoftim: The Job of a Leader is to Unite20190902
Devarim: God Loves Honesty & Integrity Even More Than Sacrifices20190806
  • Date: 20190806
  • Venue: Boca Raton Synagogue
  • Description: The Parsha Perspective Series is generously sponsored by Becky and Avi Katz and family in memory of David Grossman z"l, Dovid ben Menachem Manush, their beloved father and grandfather.
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Mattos/Massei: Passion and Compassion20190730

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Shemini: How Much Room for Creativity and Innovation is There in Judaism?20180410

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Bo: Start-Up Nation and Nation of Starters20180116
Bamidbar: Community Kollel- The Modern Tribe of Levi20170523
Chayei Sarah: Always Stay a Kid at Heart20161122

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Bamidbar: Making Room for Another is a Prerequisite to a Relationship20160607
Acharei-Mos: G-d Took us Out of Egypt, Now we Must Take Egypt Out of Ourselves20160503
+Lech Lecha (8)
Lech Lecha: Are You Drawn to Happiness or Holiness?20191105
+Vayeira (10)
+Chayei Sarah (6)
Chayei Sarah: Always Stay a Kid at Heart20161122

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Chayei Sarah: Adom and Chava Had No In-Laws20141111
  • Date: 20141111
  • Venue: Boca Raton Synagogue
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+Toldos (10)
Toldos: The Critical Role of Role Players in Judaism20191126
+Vayeitzei (8)
+Vayishlach (7)
Vayishlach: It is Time for the Pendulum to Swing Back20191210
+Vayeishev (9)
Vayeishev: See the Closeness Between Us, Not the Distance20191117
+Mikeitz (7)
Mikeitz/Chanuka: Listening Before Speaking20191224
+Vayigash (10)
Vayigash: Staying True to Ourselves and Our Values20191231
+Vayechi (7)
Vayechi: Hashem Is Our Best Friend20200107
+Shemos (9)
Shemos: Not One in a Million, Unique20200114
+Va'eira (7)
Va’eira: Why Did Moshe Have a Speech Impediment20200121
+Bo (15)
Tzav/Shabbos HaGadol – Keep the Fire Burning20200331
Ki Seitzei: Is Your Word Your Bond?20190910
Bo: Start-Up Nation and Nation of Starters20180116
+Beshalach (8)
Beshalach: Song of the Soul20200204
Beshalach: Illusion vs. Reality, Our War with Amalek20110113
+Yisro (6)
+Mishpatim (9)
Mishpatim: Authentic, Heartfelt Prayer Opens Doors20200218
+Terumah (7)
Terumah: This is the Only Thing You Can Take With You20200225
+Tetzaveh (6)
+Ki Sisa (7)
+Vayakhel (8)
Vayakhel/Pekudei: A Yid is Never Lazy20200317
+Pekudei (7)
Vayakhel/Pekudei: A Yid is Never Lazy20200317
+Vayikra (7)
Vayikra: He is Calling You, Are You Listening?20200324
+Tzav (15)
Tzav/Shabbos HaGadol – Keep the Fire Burning20200331
Nitzavim: Are You Standing Still or on the Move?20190924
+Shemini (4)
Shemini: How Much Room for Creativity and Innovation is There in Judaism?20180410

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+Tazria (6)
Tazria/Metzora/Yom Ha’Shoah: Lessons for Today20200421
+Metzora (7)
Tazria/Metzora/Yom Ha’Shoah: Lessons for Today20200421
+Emor (3)
Emor: Kavod, Not Covid20200505
+Behar (5)
Behar/Bechukosai: Faith and Finances20200512
Behar-Bechukosai: Why Shemitta Should Matter to You20150512
+Bechukosai (3)
Behar/Bechukosai: Faith and Finances20200512
Behar-Bechukosai: Why Shemitta Should Matter to You20150512
Bechukosai: You Will Never be Disgusting to Me20110519
+Bamidbar (5)
Bamidbar: You Matter and You Make a Difference20200519
Bamidbar: Community Kollel- The Modern Tribe of Levi20170523
Bamidbar: You are Who You Identify With20140520
Bamidbar: Valuing Diversity, Celebrating Unity20110526
+Nasso (5)
+Shelach (7)
Shelach: Dust in the Wind20200616
+Korach (5)
Korach: Don’t be on the Take, be on the Give20200623
+Devarim (2)
Devarim: God Loves Honesty & Integrity Even More Than Sacrifices20190806
  • Date: 20190806
  • Venue: Boca Raton Synagogue
  • Description: The Parsha Perspective Series is generously sponsored by Becky and Avi Katz and family in memory of David Grossman z"l, Dovid ben Menachem Manush, their beloved father and grandfather.
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  • Balak: Do You See the World Like Yisro or ...

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+Eikev (6)
Eikev: The Blessing of Forgetting20110818

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+Re'eh (4)
+Shoftim (5)
Shoftim: The Job of a Leader is to Unite20190902
+Ki Seitzei (8)
Ki Seitzei: Is Your Word Your Bond?20190910
+Ki Savo (9)
Ki Savo: Saying “It’s All Good” and Meaning It20190917
+Netzavim (4)