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Why Was One Boy Admitted to Yeshiva and the Other Rejected?

Many years ago, two bachurim, students, came to the yeshivah of the Chasam Sofer, Rav Moshe Schreiber (1763-1839) in Pressburg, Hungary to take a farher, an entrance exam, to determine whether or not the boys qualified for admission as talmidim in his prestigious yeshivah. It was right after Sukkos, just a few days before the newRead More...

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Bringing Stolen Torahs Back Home

We often mistranslate teshuva as repentance, but that is not exactly accurate. The Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi explains that teshuva is not reserved for sinners. The root of the word teshuva is lashuv, to return. Teshuva is about returning our souls to the pure, pristine state in which we receieved them. EvenRead More...

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The Strength to Survive

A man once approached the Klausenberger Rebbe, R’ Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam zt’l and asked him the following question: “Tell me, how is it that so many of the survivors found the courage and the strength not only to survive but to rebuild, to start families, to remain positive and to have faith in society andRead More...

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Honoring D-Day and the Members of the Greatest Generation

Today, June 6th is the 70th anniversary of D-Day, when allied forces landed in Normandy on the coast of France in the largest seaborne invasion in history, in an effort to push back the Germans in WWII. Most historians see that battle as the turning point in the war that propelled the allies to victory.Read More...